How to Disinfect Water that needs to be stored for Long Term

15 Dec, 2022

People worldwide keep witnessing disasters and emergencies from time to time. That is why it is of utmost importance to have solid plans for disinfecting water to enable the water to get stored for a long time during disaster recovery or emergencies.

In other words, you need to plan how you are going to cater to the requirements for one of the most crucial requirements, which is water, during turbulent periods. Note that food supply during disasters or emergencies is a lot easier than arranging safe drinking water.

These turbulent situations create circumstances where individuals may go through the repercussions of dehydration unless they have strategies in store for water disinfection. That is why you have to know the strategies for cleaning and storing a large volume of water so that you can get prepared for disasters or emergencies.

How much water do you need to store?

When it comes to storing water for a long time, you have to be clear about the volume of water before disinfecting it. In other words, you should know what you are going to store before diving into the store procedure. It is time to check out a couple of guidelines in this regard:

Along with a range of diverse factors, there is a standard rule to follow when you need to store water for a long term for disasters or emergencies. The rule of thumb is that one gallon of water needs to be stored for a single individual per day.

In addition, one gallon of water should be divided into two parts. The first part must be dedicated to the essential need of an individual, which is drinking whereas the second part should be catered to their hygiene requirements.

It is also true diverse factors contribute to the changing water requirements depending on the situation. Needless to say, the volume of water stored keeps changing from person to person. Moreover, place and time also play a crucial role in determining the amount of water to be stored for the long term.

Which factors can impact the volume of water to be stored for the long term?

There are many factors responsible when it comes to determining how much water you need to store for the long term. For instance, climate plays an important role in this regard. Scorching hot weather needs more water to be stored to cater to the increased requirements for drinking water so that the normal body temperature can be restored.

Needless to say, the rule of thumb about the storage of one gallon per person may vary depending on the age of the individual. For instance, a family with kids needs more water to be stored to fulfill their drinking and hygiene requirements.

On the other hand, it is imperative to consider the physical condition of an individual before determining the water volume. For instance, pregnant and breastfeeding women may have more requirements for water than other family members.

You should also take care of the health condition of a person before diving into storing water for the long term. Thus, it would be possible to keep the health of the family member intact during disasters or emergencies.

Furthermore, the diet and physical activities of an individual should also be considered before bringing variations in the standard rule of one gallon of water per person. For instance, certain meals and individuals performing strenuous activities have more water requirements. The case is not the same with hydrating foods and people living a sedentary lifestyle.

How many days do you need to store water for long-term use?

You are now aware of the standard rule for the volume of water stored for a long term along with the factors impacting the storage amount. However, you should also know the number of days for which water needs to be stored. 

As a rule of thumb, you ought to store water for a minimum of two weeks per member per day during disasters or emergencies. However, in the case of the unavailability of this much water, you ought to strive hard to store as much water as possible. 

In short, you should store a minimum of two to four weeks of water supply to cater to all the water requirements during disasters or emergencies. And it should be a total of 14 gallons or more per person. That means if your family consists of four members, you ought to store at least 56 gallons of water. Note that you need to decide whether or not you would like to extend your water storage after four weeks. 

How to disinfect water for long-term storage?

It is time to check out some easy-to-follow strategies through which you can disinfect water for long-term storage to fulfill water requirements during disasters or emergencies:

Boil Your Water:

When it comes to disinfecting water for long-term storage, boiling comes as the safest strategy. Therefore, you should always prefer boiling over any chemical disinfection methods. Boiling is a preferred method due to its ability to destroy harmful microorganisms (especially waterborne disease-causing bacteria) present in water.

Note that you have to heat water to boil it properly. Allow the water to keep boiling for at least five minutes (it is recommended to boil it for 10 to 20 minutes). The next step is to let the water cool properly. 

Moreover, if you want to increase the water’s taste, then you have to bring the lost oxygen back into it. Take two clean containers and pour the water back and forth using them. Needless to say, this small step also boosts the flavor of stored water.

Leverage the power of Liquid Bleach:

You can leverage the power of household liquid bleach when it comes to destroying harmful microorganisms. Note that you should use only standard household liquid bleach containing 5.25% of sodium hypochlorite. Never make use of color-safe bleaches, bleaches loaded with cleaners, or scented bleaches.

Note that you ought to add 4 to 5 drops of household liquid bleach per gallon of water. On the other hand, cloudy water calls for 16 drops of liquid bleach to get disinfected. If you measure with a teaspoon, then it would be just less than ¼ of a teaspoon for each gallon. Did you know one teaspoon of regular household liquid bleach can disinfect five gallons of water?

Note that you ought to mix the treated water properly and let the water rest for half an hour before you use it to cater to your requirements. The treated water should come with a hint of chlorine odor. 

On the other hand, if the odor is absent, you need to repeat the household liquid bleach dosage and allow the treated water to rest again for the next 15 minutes prior to its usage. Note that you may get a bit of chlorine flavor in the water, but it is a testament to its safety.

Always remember that liquid chlorine bleach keeps losing its potency over time. That is why you need to leverage the power of only fresh bleach when it comes to disinfecting water. Note that if you have liquid chlorine bleach, which was purchased one to two years ago, the quantity must be doubled while treating water.

However, it would be best if you discard the product altogether and stick to a newly-purchased product, as it is difficult to predict the amount of active ingredients that have deteriorated. Always remember that the amount of chlorine needed to disinfect your water may depend on the quantity of sodium hypochlorite available in the said solution.

Chemical Disinfection:

Are you looking for an alternative to the heat sterilization method to disinfect your water? Then, you can opt for chemical disinfection. However, the process calls for clear water, so it might not be a disinfecting method for cloudy water. 

Did you know harmful microorganisms can disguise under microscopic dirt substances? It results in cloudiness of water. That is how disease-causing microorganisms can bypass chemical disinfection with ease, resulting in the development of health disorders in the human body.

Also, note that chemical disinfection is not as reliable as disinfecting water through boiling. Many factors are responsible for the less reliability of chemical disinfection. For instance, the quantity of chemicals used for disinfection depends on the amount of organic matter present in the water. 

Needless to say, the coldness of water elongates the contact time, which is determined by the duration between the incorporation of chemicals and the usage of the water). 

Furthermore, the type and quantity of the chemicals also impact the extent of disinfection of water. Needless to say, the types of microorganisms and the pH level of water also affect the overall process.

Water Purification Tablets:

One of the easiest or most convenient ways to disinfect water is to leverage the power of water purification tablets. Did you know best-in-class water purification tablets can destroy disease-causing microorganisms, including spores, viruses, and bacteria? When it comes to using water purification tablets, you need to keep a couple of points in mind as stated below:

Firstly, check the tablet’s label and find the expiration date of the product. Note that tablets may start losing their potency or effectiveness with time. 

Stick to the instructions provided by the manufacturer for the water treatment. 

It is a must to allow adequate time to ensure the proper operation of the chemical prior to using the water.

Let us talk about different types of water purification tablets below:

Iodine Tablets:

Did you know iodine tablets are far more effective against an array of disease-causing microorganisms as compared to Halazone tablets or sodium hypochlorite? You can get iodine tablets at any reputed store in your city. However, you have to make sure that the iodine tablets that you are going to use for disinfection are fresh, as these tablets keep losing potency with age.

Note that fresh iodine tablets are available in gray color. These tablets come with a shelf-life of around three to five years if unopened. Do not fail to check the label to find the EPA registration number of the tablets. If the tablet container restricts some individuals (for example, pregnant or breastfeeding women) to use the tablets, you have to obey the instructions.

Note that you must go through the tablet’s label before deciding to purchase it. And stick to the label’s instructions while using the tablets. Do not forget to mix properly and allow enough contact time before using the treated water. Iodine tablets ought to lend the water a pale yellow to tan color along with a hint of odor. 

Halazone Tablets:

Halazone tablets come as a boon when it comes to disinfecting water for emergencies. You can get these tablets in reputed drug stores or pharmacies in your city. 

Do not forget to check the EPA registration number on the tablet’s level. It is also a must to verify the tablet’s expiration date, as Halazone tablets come with a shelf-life of approx two years only.

You need to close the tablet’s container to keep the moisture absorption from the air at bay. Also note that deteriorated tablets start getting yellowish with a foul odor, and such tablets should not be used under any circumstances. 

Note that liquid bleach, chemical disinfection, Halazone tablets, and iodine tablets cannot eliminate cryptosporidium from the water.

How to prepare water for Long-Term Storage during disasters or emergencies?

You already know how to disinfect water in various ways. It is time to talk about how you can prepare water for long-term use during disasters or emergencies in detail. As a result, you can ensure the safety of your and your family in terms of water when it comes to drinking and other day-to-day activities.

Clean & Disinfect the Water Container with the ace:

The safety of your water largely depends on the hygiene of your water container. Hence, it is a must to clean the said container with warm soapy water and rinse it with perfection. 

In case the container was already used to hold beverages or any other edible items, you have to take special care when it comes to cleaning it to get rid of any residue or unwanted odor. Do not forget to sanitize the water container properly to ensure its hygiene for long-term water storage.

Disinfect water for long-term storage:

The next step is water disinfection, and you are already familiar with a couple of best-in-class strategies to ensure the safety of your long-term stored water.

It is time to pour the treated water into a Clean Container:

The last step is to pour the treated water into a clean container. And your water is ready to store for the long-term.

What is the best strategy to Disinfect Drinking Water for long-term storage?

You are already familiar with an array of strategies to store water for the long term during disasters or emergencies. Nonetheless, you need to always opt for the most convenient option to save your time, resources, and effort. 

And the best option in this regard is Aqua Salveo, which can disinfect water and ensure its safety within just 30 to 60 minutes. Moreover, you just ought to use three drops of Aqua Salveo per liter of your water. 

Did you know this best-in-class water disinfection solution does not contain any chlorine? That is why your stored water won’t have any unpleasant odor or taste. Needless to say, the striking health benefits of zinc, silver, and copper would take the quality of your treated water to the next level. 

Wrapping Up

No one can deny the importance of storing sufficient water when it comes to disasters or emergencies. If you are planning on storing water for the long-term, then you need to make sure of storing a sufficient quantity of potable water in a vast, most suitable, and hygienic food-grade container. Are you going to store water for the first time? Then, it is high time to start preparing as soon as possible.