
How to Purify Water When Travelling or Camping?

Imagine yourself in the wild. You have been travelling for quite some time and now want to rest and set up camp. You see a nearby stream of water and think it is the perfect place to spend the night and rehydrate for the following day. But can you trust the crystal-clear water of that stream enough to drink it?
The answer is no.

People say that water is the elixir of life. Unfortunately, that's not the case everywhere. Travelling and camping are activities that often lead to less populated areas with minimal or no human intervention with nature. This creates a perfect atmosphere for the proliferation of organisms like microbes, worms, and other waterborne health risks.

Best affiliate marketing programs in Ghana

If you're looking for a way to make money online, affiliate marketing is one of the best options. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a company compensates an affiliate for each visitor or customer brought to the site by the affiliate's marketing efforts.

Many affiliate programs are available to Ghanaian marketers, but not all are created equal. In this article, we'll look at the best affiliate programs in Ghana based on factors such as commission rates, program features, and merchant reputation.

5 Different ways to Purify Water Quickly

A Brief Introduction

Life depends on water. It is insane to think about living or surviving without water. In other words, staying hydrated is crucial to not only survive but also lead a healthy life. However, there is a major condition that the water you consume must be clean, safe to drink, and uncontaminated. Polluted water does more harm than good on many different levels. 

Not only does impure water impact the physiological activities of both humans and animals but also wreaks havoc on the environment as well as ecosystems. And all of us are aware of the severity of water-borne diseases in not only India but also in the entire world. 

A long list of health complications, such as cholera, hepatitis B, diarrhea, giardiasis, worm infections, and so on is caused by polluted water. It is true we are living in a technological-advanced world, but a large number of people are still unable to access clean and safe drinking water. 

Did you know waterborne health hazards take the lives of more than 10,000 people annually? Hence, we cannot stress enough the dire necessity of water purification on a day-to-day basis. Every place, whether it is a residential apartment or a commercial building, should have access to clean and uncontaminated water.